Wombn's Healing Circle
A Sacred Space for Wombn
Wombn throughout history have gathered in circles to empower each other and share their wisdom. A wombn’s circle is a safe and sacred space for us to come together, use our voices, be heard and witnessed in our sovereignty.
We will meet by Zoom and create sacred space, heal, and embody our divinity together. Our focus for these 3 months is connecting with the Divine Masculine through the guidance and openness of our Divine Feminine. Kuan Yin will guide us to Buddha, Mother Mary will guide us to Jesus, and Shakti will guide us to Shiva. We will continue to connect with our wombs and lineages to honor, witness, awaken and heal whatever is needed within. We will call in the wisdom of these ascended masters and energies to teach us more balance, wisdom, healing, and whatever else they show us.
We will meditate and journey, journal, share, and discuss in a supportive and nurturing container.
***Your payment of $120 is a commitment to 3 months of the Wombn's Healing Circle. This will be an ongoing monthly circle, lasting at least 1 year. We will meet Sundays on September 25th, October 23rd, and November 13th (the 2nd Sunday to avoid Thanksgiving travel) from 5:00-6:30 Pacific Time, 7:00-8:30 Central Time, and 8:00-9:30 Eastern Time.***
You will receive an email with a Zoom link and message about any items to bring for the Healing Circles after your purchase.